Learning to love Boris
Should we all learn to love Boris Johnson? Is it possible to love someone you don’t like or completely disagree with?
I asked myself this question recently when talking about him with a friend.
An animated Tony Blair initially brought me to this thought. I saw him on television talking about society becoming polarised. He talked about society being split “into two camps of people who don’t speak to each other”. The far left and the far right. Was this true? Worse still, was I part of this problem?
I don’t share Boris Johnson’s outlook on the world but does this mean I should have bad feelings towards him? Should I be directing disapproval with the person, or the person’s ideas? Could I find a way to disagree with Boris Johnson but at the same time find a way to love him?
Recently Boris Johnson found himself very sick in hospital. He was close to dying. I was shocked to hear that so many people were wishing that he didn’t get better. If Boris died, his ideas will still live on. Perhaps it is the ideas that people must fight if they disagree with them?
Boris Johnson has done so many things that I disagree with but he is a human being just like the rest of us, with feelings and hopes for the future. My challenge for everyone is to try and love Boris Johnson. If you disagree with his ideas then fight them as hard as is reasonably possible. If you don’t enjoy his personality, that’s fine too, but my hope is that you can still find a way to love him. I’m trying my best to do the same.
April 2020