Person A

What ever happened to the good old days? People used to talk to each other.

I say screens are bad. I hate screens.

They’re bad for your back, sitting at your computer all day. I hate it.

They kill social skills.

They’re bad for your eyes.

Social media is making people depressed. People need to get out more.

Who needs computer games when we have scrabble, monopoly and charades. Puzzles, karaoke.

And look at all the porn. So much porn screaming from screens around the world.

Lets dance, lets fall in love by the river, lets make love by a roaring fire. Lets talk face to face. Let me see your eyes. Your real eyes not your screen eyes.

I hate screens so much.

I don’t have a TV, I don’t have a smart phone. I don’t have a tablet. I’m not on social media. I said it. I’m not on any of it.

Want to contact me? Knock on my door. Write me a letter, that would be nice. Have you ever written a letter? Have you ever received a hand written letter, I’m telling you, it’s better than receiving an email.

People are addicted to screens, they’ve enslaved us all, we’re in Plato’s cave, we need to break free from our chains and walk out into the real world. Who knows, you might enjoy it.

Join me, I’m starting a group at the local community centre, bring your broomsticks, we’re going to clean up this town and rid it of screens. Lets go back to how things were. When people lived in the real world.

Person B

I take my phone everywhere, don’t you?

Through my screen I play games, I find friendship. I find love.

I love screens.

I look at art, I read, I discover, I get to see the beauty that is in this world. I share information.

Through screens, I get to experience things I never would be able to in real life. I can fight in wars, fly a plane, be a hero. 

I have my big screen TV, my desktop, laptop, tablet, phone, not to mention things like my digital clock and my digital cooker and my digital watch.

People complain about screens and I get it, oh they kill social skills etc etc and I really do get it.

But the cat is out of the bag, so let’s play with the cat.

Look, you can get sex, love, friends, art, storytelling all from the comfort of your watch. How cool is that!

I’m all about the future, this isn’t the dark ages.

Lets love and embrace the screen and look at what it has done for us and what it can do for us in the future.

Follow me on social media at #Ilovescreens.

The future is bright, the future is screen ; )

April 2020